06.07.2024 09:07
Arrived at destination processing center
NJ, AVENEL, 07001
26.06.2024 22:45
Arrive at international airport to abroad
Weifang city mail district center mail processing center, Weifang city
17.06.2024 12:24
Departure from outward office of exchange
Dakha Mandi SO
08.06.2024 02:02
Departed from [Shanghai international mail exchange station], next stop [Shanghai International Mail Processing Center]
29.05.2024 15:41
Accepted by carrier
20.05.2024 05:19
Handed over to the Carrirer
Guangzhou international mail exchange station, Guangzhou
10.05.2024 18:58
Item received at
01.05.2024 08:36
Item Bagged
Mail Agency Kalka RMS
21.04.2024 22:15
Item is cleared by customs
MS, UTICA, 39175
12.04.2024 11:53
Customs Clearance
Buldana H.O
03.04.2024 01:32
Arrive at sorting center in destination country
Kharar SO Rupnagar
24.03.2024 15:10
Origin Scan
Tianjin business delivery department before express operational department, TianjinCity
15.03.2024 04:49
Arrived Shipping Partner Facility, USPS Awaiting Item
05.03.2024 18:27
The receiver requested this package to be held for pickup at the UPS facility
25.02.2024 08:06
Delivered, In/At Mailbox
Centro de Tratamento Lisboa
Tracking numbers examples: